Thursday, April 30, 2009

30 April 2009 - Back

I brought a few grippers to the office today - CoC #2, #2.5, and Eaton's #3. I hit them a few times throughout the day. TNS work with the #2 and #2.5. MMS work with Eaton's #3. I got home and had a few great over-crushes with my hard #3 and several solid attempts with Eaton's #3.5 with my RH. I've been hitting hard negatives with Eaton's #3 with my LH in an effort to bring it up to snuff.

I woke up this morning feeling lousy. I had some strange pains in my right ankle, knee, and hamstring. Aching pains. I figured on bagging the gym tonight, thinking it was my body's way of telling me to slow down a bit. I got home after work, had a bit of chow, took a few Advil, and felt like a million bucks! Off to the gym I went...and, I'm glad I did.

Shoulder Pre-Hab (L/R)
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs

Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 45lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs

Deadlift Warm-Up
-BW Good-Mornings X 20
-BW Squats X 20
-Bar Good-Mornings X 20
-Bar Squats X 20

Deadlifts (Conventional)
-135 X 5
-185 X 5
-225 X 3
-275 X 3
-315 X 3
-365 X 3
-405 X 3
-455 X 3 (Knee wraps/Belt)
-475 X 1 (Knee wraps/Belt)
-500 X 1 (Knee wraps/Tommy Kono Neoprene+Belt)
-510 X 1 (Knee wraps/Tommy Kono Neoprene+Belt) PR!

Weighted Hammer Pull-Ups
-BW + 45 X 8
-BW + 45 X 8
-BW + 45 X 5

Standing High Face Pulls
-150 X 10
-155 X 10
-170 X 10

Low Pulley Pull-Throughs
-170 X 12
-170 X 12
-170 X 12

500lbs was my all-time PR. I pulled 500lbs back in 2005 when I was eating like mad and lifting like crazy. I had just moved to DC, my wife was still living back in NY; all I did was go to the office and go to the gym. I always tell people, I was my biggest and strongest back in '05. Fast forward 4 I am, ~10lbs heavier, just as lean, and with a bigger deadlift. Funny where life takes you. I would venture to say my squat is also way up compared to my previous best. My bench is taking it's good old time coming along; but, it'll get there.

BW - 247lbs.


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