Tuesday, February 17, 2009

17 February 2009

Shoulder Pre-hab (L/R)
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs

Tricep/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Tricep Extensions - 40lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs

Good Mornings
-BW X 20
-Bar X 15
-135 X 10
-135 X 10
-135 X 10

Close-Grip Seated Row (plate loaded, weight per hand)
-135 X 10
-160 X 8
-160 X 8
-160 X 8

Wide-Grip Seated Row (plate loaded, weight per hand)
-135 X 6
-135 X 5
-135 X 5

Overhand Lat Pull-Downs (plate loaded, weight per hand)
-135 X 8
-135 X 8
-135 X 8

Hammer Lat Pull-Downs (plate loaded, weight per hand)
-90 X 10
-90 X 10
-90 X 10
-45 X Failure (~20)

Seated Cable Row
-200 X 6
-180 X 8
-180 X 6

Close-Grip Cable Pull-Downs
-150 X 8
-150 X 8
-150 X 8
-100 X Failure (~25)

The hammer grip lat pull-downs were done on the same plate loaded lat pull-down machine as the previous exercise; but, I grabbed the handles on the vertical sweep. It really SMOKED my grip after a few reps. Not a bad upper back workout.

After my workout, I boogied home and hammered down 5 hard-boiled eggs, spaghetti and sauce, a banana, and my protein shake. Life is good.


Monday, February 16, 2009

16 February 2009

First workout in about two weeks: business trip to Seattle and a bonkers week at the office. Terrible excuses, but it is what it is. It felt good to be back - here's how it went to night.

Shoulder Pre-hab (L/R)
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs

Tricep/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Tricep Extensions - 40lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs

Flat Bench
-Bar X 15
-135 X 12
-225 X 5
-315 X 2
-275 X 4
-225 X 5
-225 X 5
-135 X 10

1-Arm Incline Dumbbell Bench Press (L/R)
-65 X 5
-65 X 5
-65 X 5

Incline Dumbbell Flies
-55 X 5
-55 X 5
-55 X 5

Swiss Ball Incline Cable Press/Standing Cable Flies
-40 X 5 /20 X 10
-30 X 6 / 15 X 15
-30 X 6 / 15 X 15
