Thursday, April 23, 2009

23 April 2009 - Back Work

Shoulder Pre-Hab (L/R)
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs

Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 45lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs

Deadlift Warm-Up
-BW Good-Mornings X 20
-BW Squats X 20
-Bar Good-Mornings X 20
-Bar Squats X 20

Speed Deadlifts (Conventional)
-135 X 10
-185 X 5
-225 X 3
-275 X 3
-315 X 3
-365 X 3
-405 X 3
-405 X 3
-405 X 3
-405 X 3
-405 X 3

Weighted Hammer Pull-Ups
-BW + 45 X 8
-BW + 45 X 6
-BW + 45 X 5

Rolling Thunder 1-Arm Seated Cable Row (L/R)
-110 X 5
-110 X 5
-110 X 5
-110 X 5 (Thumbless)
-110 X 5 (Thumbless)
-110 X 4 (Thumbless)

Standing Straight-Arm Pull-Downs
-80 X 8
-80 X 8
-80 X 8

Standing High Face-Pulls
-150 X 10
-150 X 10
-150 X 10

All the deadlifts were done with no straps, wraps, or a belt. All deadlifts were performed very strictly with major emphasis on speed and explosiveness. The thumbless rolling thunder rows are in an effort to strengthen my wrists and fingers. Who knows when I might bump into an Inch replica? HAHA! Right. Seriously. OK. Stop laughing. I mean it.


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