Thursday, April 30, 2009
30 April 2009 - Back
I woke up this morning feeling lousy. I had some strange pains in my right ankle, knee, and hamstring. Aching pains. I figured on bagging the gym tonight, thinking it was my body's way of telling me to slow down a bit. I got home after work, had a bit of chow, took a few Advil, and felt like a million bucks! Off to the gym I went...and, I'm glad I did.
Shoulder Pre-Hab (L/R)
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 45lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Deadlift Warm-Up
-BW Good-Mornings X 20
-BW Squats X 20
-Bar Good-Mornings X 20
-Bar Squats X 20
Deadlifts (Conventional)
-135 X 5
-185 X 5
-225 X 3
-275 X 3
-315 X 3
-365 X 3
-405 X 3
-455 X 3 (Knee wraps/Belt)
-475 X 1 (Knee wraps/Belt)
-500 X 1 (Knee wraps/Tommy Kono Neoprene+Belt)
-510 X 1 (Knee wraps/Tommy Kono Neoprene+Belt) PR!
Weighted Hammer Pull-Ups
-BW + 45 X 8
-BW + 45 X 8
-BW + 45 X 5
Standing High Face Pulls
-150 X 10
-155 X 10
-170 X 10
Low Pulley Pull-Throughs
-170 X 12
-170 X 12
-170 X 12
500lbs was my all-time PR. I pulled 500lbs back in 2005 when I was eating like mad and lifting like crazy. I had just moved to DC, my wife was still living back in NY; all I did was go to the office and go to the gym. I always tell people, I was my biggest and strongest back in '05. Fast forward 4 I am, ~10lbs heavier, just as lean, and with a bigger deadlift. Funny where life takes you. I would venture to say my squat is also way up compared to my previous best. My bench is taking it's good old time coming along; but, it'll get there.
BW - 247lbs.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
29 April 2009 - Chest
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 45lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Flat Bench Press
-Bar X 20
-135 X 12
-185 X 8
-225 X 3
-275 X 3
-315 X 3
-315 X 3
-315 X 3
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
-95's X 5
-95's X 5
-95's X 5
-95's X 5
-95's X 5
Flat Dumbbell Flies
-50's X 16
-50's X 15
-50's X 14
That was that. I didn't have much time to hang around the gym and mess around tonight - duty calls. I'm happy about hitting 315 for several solid sets on the bench. It's about time my bench started coming around.
I've been hitting a lot of extensor work the last few days as my hands are still sore from the thick bar work this weekend. I think I'll hit the grippers tomorrow. Speaking of grippers, my brother-in-law Jon got the grip bug! After watching Geo and I hit some grippers back in NY he ordered himself a few CoC grippers from Iron Mind. I had limited grippers when we were playing around; CoC T, #2, #2.5, and #3. He couldn't close the CoC #2 - but, he could easily close the Trainer. On my recommendation, Jon picked up a CoC T, #1, and a #1.5. He called me up today and told me he crushed the #1.5 right out of the package! That's awesome! He's going to get consistent with the #1.5...and he's going to pick up a #2 for good measure. Solid work, bro! Geo, you better get hot! HAHA!
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Hammering Strength into the Wrists
Want strong wrists? Here's how you get 'em:
Hammering Strength into the Wrists, Part I
Hammering Strength into the Wrists, Part II
27 April 2009 - New Squat Technique
That said, I've been a high bar squatter my whole life. The lifts listed above are all high bar squats (with a wide stance). I feel like my legs are as strong now as they've ever been - but, I also feel like I'm reaching the upper limits of my squat. This seemingly oxymoronic situation piqued my interest in variations in the squat movement itself. I'm always preaching form (Zeek can vouch for me here!), so I started shopping around for a new squat. Back to the Diesel Crew website's Training Center and Articles page! Check out How to Squat (this page contains great info and an article from Rick Walker entitled, Cleaning Up the Squat...all in one place).
I narrowed my limiting factor to my traditional high bar placement (under heavy loads the weight feels like it's going to fold me in half). I gave the low bar squat a go last night - it's going to take some getting used to; but, I think it's going to work great. I will say this: it is not easy on my shoulders and wrists! WOW! I didn't have my wrist wraps and it was a serious detriment. I stopped at 405lbs...which sucks because, my legs had plenty left in the tank.
Shoulder Pre-Hab (L/R)
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 45lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Squat Warm-Up
-BW Good-Mornings X 20
-BW Squats X 20
-Bar Good-Mornings X 20
-Bar Squats X 20
Low Bar Squats
-135 X 5
-185 X 5
-225 X 3
-275 X 3
-315 X 3
-365 X 3
-405 X 3 (Super easy; but, it felt like my wrists were breaking!)
Bottoms-Up Squats (Smith Machine, full pause on the bottom)
-135 X 10
-225 X 8
-315 X 5
-315 X 5
1-Leg Press (L/R)
-190 X 5
-240 X 5
-240 X 5 (I tossed a bunch of calf raises in here somewhere.)
Seated Leg Curls
-200 X 22
-220 X 18
-240 X 14
My legs felt great last night - the form felt solid on the squats, I just need my wrist wraps for these squats. BAD. My shoulders were tight; but, not to a level of concern. I think the low bar squats are going to work for me.
Monday, April 27, 2009
26 April 2009 - Thick Bar and Wrist Work
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 45lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
1-Handed Thick Bar Deadlifts (L/R)
-120 X 5
-120 X 5
-130 X 3
-130 X 3
-140 X 3
-140 X 3
-150 X 1
-150 X 1
Double Over-Hand Thick Bar Static Holds
-200 X ~60 sec
-250 X ~45 sec
-250 X ~40 sec
-300 X ~2 sec
Low Pulley Rolling Thunder Lifts (L/R)
-150 X 5
-150 X 5
-160 X 5
-160 X 5
-170 X 5
-170 X 5
-177.5 X 5
-177.5 X 5
-177.5 X ~65 sec (Static Hold)
-177.5 X ~50 sec (Static Hold)
Thick Bar Wrist Curls
-120 X Failure
-120 X Failure
-120 X Failure
Thick Bar Reverse Wrist Curls
-80 X Failure
-80 X Failure
-80 X Failure
Weaver Stick Style Lever (L/R)
-Empty Thick Bar X 8
-Empty Thick Bar X 8
-Empty Thick Bar X 8
KB Horn Curls
-80 X 3
-60 X 8
-60 X 8
-60 X 8
Thumbless 100lb Plate Static Holds (1 Plate Per Hand)
-4 X Failure (The wrists went quick; I was surprised at how long my fingers lasted.)
The 1-arm thick bar deadlifts were performed with a 2" curl bar, grabbed on the smooth center section; no chalk, straps, wraps, or belt. The thick bar static holds were also done on the 2" curl bar with a double over-hand grip, deadlifted to full lockout and held for time; no chalk, straps, wraps, or belt. The 2" curl bar is short and hollow; weighing about 20lbs.
I tried to hit the KB horn curls with the 80lber - I had to drop down to the 60lber to get the desired reps for this movement. The wrists are the focus here, no the biceps! The thumbless 100lb plate static holds are rough. The 100lb plates are Ivanko's E-Z Lift design with 7 holes. I'd push my hands through the holes (including as much of the thumb as possible), lock my wrists, deadlift the plates to full lockout, and hold for time. This exercise clearly displayed the fatigue in my wrists, pulling them from their locked position in a matter of seconds. After the disengagement of the wrist posture the weight was left on the fingers - BRUTAL.
The thumbless 100lb plate holds and thumbless Rolling Thunder lifts are going to do wonders for my wrist strength!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
24 April 2009 - Quick Shoulder/Tri/Bi Workout
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 45lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-65's X 12
-90's X 5
-90's X 5
-90's X 5
Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raises
-30's X 12
-30's X 12
-30's X 12
Reverse Pec Deck
-90 X 12
-90 X 12
-90 X 12
Thick Bar Incline Skull Crushers
-110 X 8
-110 X 8
-110 X 6
Triceps Push-Downs
-150 X 12
-150 X 12
-150 X 10
Thick Bar Standing Biceps Curls
-110 X Failure (Wide Grip)
-110 X Failure (Wide Grip)
-110 X Failure (Close Grip)
-110 X Failure (Close Grip)
I think I got this workout done in 40 mins. I was pressed for time; but, I really wanted to get in there even if it was for just a few reps. Grip tomorrow.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
23 April 2009 - Back Work
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 45lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Deadlift Warm-Up
-BW Good-Mornings X 20
-BW Squats X 20
-Bar Good-Mornings X 20
-Bar Squats X 20
Speed Deadlifts (Conventional)
-135 X 10
-185 X 5
-225 X 3
-275 X 3
-315 X 3
-365 X 3
-405 X 3
-405 X 3
-405 X 3
-405 X 3
-405 X 3
Weighted Hammer Pull-Ups
-BW + 45 X 8
-BW + 45 X 6
-BW + 45 X 5
Rolling Thunder 1-Arm Seated Cable Row (L/R)
-110 X 5
-110 X 5
-110 X 5
-110 X 5 (Thumbless)
-110 X 5 (Thumbless)
-110 X 4 (Thumbless)
Standing Straight-Arm Pull-Downs
-80 X 8
-80 X 8
-80 X 8
Standing High Face-Pulls
-150 X 10
-150 X 10
-150 X 10
All the deadlifts were done with no straps, wraps, or a belt. All deadlifts were performed very strictly with major emphasis on speed and explosiveness. The thumbless rolling thunder rows are in an effort to strengthen my wrists and fingers. Who knows when I might bump into an Inch replica? HAHA! Right. Seriously. OK. Stop laughing. I mean it.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
22 April 2009 - Chest
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 45lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Flat Bench Press
-Bar X 20
-135 X 15
-185 X 15
-225 X 14 (Arched over a foam roller)
-225 X 12 (Arched over a foam roller)
-225 X 11 (Arched over a foam roller)
-225 X 9 (Arched over a foam roller)
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
-70's X 12
-70's X 10
-70's X 10
Flat Bench - Stabilization Work (KBs hung from the bar with bands)
-50lb KBs X 12
-50lb KBs X 12
-50lb KBs X 10
Fingertip Push-Ups
-3 X Failure
Incline Sit-Ups (15lb Medicine Ball Tosses)
-2 X Failure
Incline Sit-Ups (Twists + 15lb Medicine Ball)
-2 X Failure
Incline Sit-Ups (Twists)
-1 X Failure
I like to toss a volume day in the mix once and a while. It's a great way for me to break up the heavy stuff and give my joints a break. And I have lousy muscular endurance right now, so every little bit helps in that arena. Oh, the pump is silly too.
Hitting some reps arched over the foam roller is great. I think it's going to really help my flexibility, especially in my hips, where I need it most.
22 April 2009 - Eaton's CoC #3.5 GOES DOWN!
These cards are easier than Bicycle's; but, they're slippery as hell - making them feel a bit tougher than they really are.
I was feeling it after the cards. I knew I had to give Eaton's CoC #3.5 a whirl! I think John told me the gripper cal'ed at 170lbs. I have to apologize for the shotty video work - I don't have an ideal set-up...and, I'm just not that good at it. Here's my first attempt:
Everything felt solid - I just didn't have it on this one. I was about 1/16" out - just like my first run in with this gripper in NY. I felt like I had a bit more in the tank, so I gave it one more try:
Certainly not the most dominant gripper close I've ever had; but, that thing was shut nonetheless! A HUGE thanks to Eaton for lending me this gripper! I'm going to keep training with it until I can close it any and every time I pick it up.
Chest tonight - watch for the update later/tomorrow.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
20 April 2009 - Squat Speed Work and NO PLYO'S
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 45lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Squat Warm-Up
-BW Good-Mornings X 20
-BW Squats X 20
-Bar Good-Mornings X 20
-Bar Squats X 20
Speed Squats (Controlled eccentric, explosive concentric.)
-135 X 5
-185 X 5
-225 X 5
-275 X 5
-315 X 5
Hack Squats (Super deep and explosive.)
-320 X 10
-320 X 10
-320 X 10
Leg Curls
-250 X 12
-250 X 12
-250 X 10
This workout felt like a total wash for me. I went to the gym with every intention to hit box jumps on the gym's new agility equipment - so I went light and fast on the squat. I was downright excited about the plyo work. In fact, I centered the entire workout around the plyos. The boxes are in one of the personal training studios and apparently, when someone is being trained in said studio, they cannot be used (even if the boxes are not being used). After speaking to several trainers the best advice received was to come back in a few hours. I left the gym in anger. I'm still angry.
Monday, April 20, 2009
19 April 2009
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 45lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Close-Grip Lock Outs
-Bar X 20
-135 X 3
-185 X 3
-225 X 3
-275 X 3
-315 X 3
-365 X MISS
1-Arm Dumbbell Floor Press (L/R)
-110 X 5
-110 X 5
-110 X 5
-110 X 5
-110 X 5
Thick Bar Incline Skull Crushers
-110 X 8
-110 X 8
-110 X 6
Triceps Push-Downs
-150 X 10
-150 X 10
-150 X 10
Thick Bar Standing Biceps Curls
-120 X 8
-110 X 9
-90 X 12
-70 X 12
1-Arm Rolling Thunder Cable Biceps Curls (L/R)
-60 X 8
-60 X 8
-60 X 8
-50 X 6 (Reverse)
-50 X 6 (Reverse)
I have to start doing triceps push-downs on the lat pull-down - 150lbs is the stack, and I can hit lots of strict reps at that weight. 170-180lbs would be nice.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
16 April 2009
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 40lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Deadlift Warm-Up
-BW Good-Mornings X 20
-BW Squats X 20
-Bar Good-Mornings X 20
-Bar Squats X 20
Reverse Band Deadlifts (Deloaded with single blue bands.)
-135 X 3
-185 X 3
-225 X 3
-275 X 3
-315 X 3
-365 X 3
-405 X 3
-455 X 3
-500 X 1 (Belt and knee wraps)
-550 X 1 (Belt and knee wraps)
-585 - MISS
Rolling Thunder 1-Arm Seated Cable Row (L/R)
-100 X 8
-100 X 8
-100 X 5
-100 X 5
-100 X 4
Eagle Loops Lat Pull-Downs
-200 X 10
-170 X 14
-150 X 16
The deadlifts were all done conventional stance with no pulling straps. I think I had the absolute perfect set-up for this lift. The high pins in the power rack are the perfect height for me - the bar is completely off band tension at lockout. 135lbs was just enough to hold the bar on the floor to start. I BARELY missed 585 - I just couldn't get it locked out. I'll get it next time around for sure.
I wanted to hit grippers tonight; then I remembered Eaton's advice on utilizing my Rolling Thunder handle without a loading pin. I don't know why I didn't think of using it for gym lifts sooner? Great stuff! Thanks, buddy.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
15 April 2009
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Tricep/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Tricep Extensions - 40lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Flat Bench Press
-Bar X 20
-135 X 5
-185 X 3
-225 X 3
-275 X 3
-315 X 3 (1 assisted)
Flat Bench - Stabilization Work (Kettlebells hung from the bar with bands.)
-40lb KBs X 10
-50lb KBs X 10
-50lb and 12.5lb KBs X 9
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
-90's X 5
-100's X 5
-100's X 4
-100's X 4
Dips/Push-Up Super Sets
-Dips X 16/Push-Ups X 18 (Feet on a bench.)
-Dips X 14/Push-Ups X 11 (Feet on a bench.)
-Dips X 7/Push-Ups X 6 (Feet on a bench.), X 4 (Feet on the floor.)
I saw a great video on the Diesel Crew site back in February on shoulder rehab and stabilization. They were at Westside Barbell doing flat bench presses with a bamboo bar and kettlebells hanging from the bar with elastic bands. The bar was literally shaking all over the place.
I tried to replicate the movement in the gym tonight...sans the bamboo bar. I first tried the lift with 90lb dumbbells on the bar - YEAH RIGHT! I couldn't control the bar at all! That thing was shaking so violently it was scary. I dropped down to the light 40lb KBs and the lift was much more manageable, so I was able to work up a bit in weight.
My hands are feeling better: grippers tomorrow!
14 March 2009 - Band Squats and BIG PRs!
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 40lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Squat Warm-Up
-BW Good-Mornings X 20
-BW Squats X 20
-Bar Good-Mornings X 20
-Bar Squats X 20
-135 X 12
-Bar + Doubled Blue Bands X 5
-135 + Doubled Blue Bands X 3
-225 + Doubled Blue Bands X 3
-275 + Doubled Blue Bands X 3
-315 + Doubled Blue Bands X 3
-365 + Doubled Blue Bands X 2 (My fist rep at this weight was garbage - I can't count it.)
Stiff-Leg Deadlifts
-135 X 10
-225 X 8
-315 X 5
-315 X 5
-315 X 5
Leg Extensions
-265 X 15
-265 X 12
-265 X 11
Walking BW Lunges
-2 laps through the gym (I have no idea how many I ended up doing?)
Incline Sit-Ups (Twists + 15lb Medicine Ball)
This was my first workout with the bands - those things are NO JOKE! The squat becomes a totally different movement when you add the bands - it goes from work to torture!
I picked the bands up from the York Barbell factory store last Wednesday. I just got off the phone with Mike, the store manager, to confirm the poundage of these suckers. Mike said they're 80lbs...and if they were doubled I could have gotten a full 160lbs out of each of them, depending on how far they were stretched. I had the bands looped around the bar and anchored under the lowest safety pin. I needed assistance from another guy in the gym to get the empty bar back up to the hooks in the power rack once the bands were on. Those things are nasty! I'll have to get a picture of the set-up next week so I can get some input from you guys.
Either way - I hit big squat PRs with these bands! I hit all lifts with no belt; but, used my knee wraps for the 315 + bands and 365 + bands lifts. Good shit.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
IM Red Nail
Again, a big thanks to John Eaton! My hands are still sore! HAHA!
I'm going to hit legs tonight in the gym. I can't wait to use my new bands!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Easter Weekend Re-Cap
I picked up a set of blue bands from York for dynamic and assistance gym work. I'm really pumped to add them to my training. I got a few band workouts in while I was in NY, and I got a dino workout in with my brother-in-law Dave. We did all kinds of silly stuff with the following: one 6' 4"X 4", one 10' logging chain, and four 40lb blocks. We hit squats, lunges, yoke walks, yoke lunges, etc.
That wasn't heavy...but, it sure was awkward as hell! It hit my core real hard because of all the swinging. I think this was my 6th lap - I was huffing and puffing! HAHA! Dave got several laps in on this set-up as well. Good stuff! Dave also does yoga and he showed me several great stretches for my hips and groin to improve my mobility. I will be utilizing the stretches FOR SURE. A big thanks to Dave for the help!
Needless to say, I had a stellar time when Eaton rolled into Binghamton on Friday. I'm still sore! My thumb pads are killing me and I had to super glue a big split on the middle finger of my RH! I think I slightly aggravated some connective tissue in my RH, between my index and middle knuckle. I'm positive this is a result of the IM Red Nail bend. It is nothing serious - some active rest and anti-inflamitories will clear it right up. I'll post a pic of the bent IM Red Nail today or tomorrow.
Once I'm rested and recovered from these shenanigans, I'll get cracking on Eaton's CoC #3.5.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Goody has Massive PR Grip Day!
After the usual pleasantries, we got down to some grip feats. First off I videoed Goody for his MM0 cert for the Gripboard with a #3. 2 Easy smashes was the result.
I had him try my BB Elite cal'd at 166lbs he smashed it no problem. He missed my IM 3.5 by no more than a 1/16. I lent it to him, so be looking for a video close soon.
I brought my York 50lb Blob and he high pulled it right-handed with ease. I set up 3 York 25's and he pulled them as well. Then I broke out 2 tough 45's for him to hublift and again he did it no problem. He then curled the 45's by the hub with either hand. He warped an IM Red Nail in IM pads, we added a set of leather wraps over th IM pads and he smashed the Red easily. He tore a deck of Bicycle Poker cards which are a tough deck. He had never tried juggling a kettlebell, so I brought out a 24KG bell. He soon was flipping and catching it with either hand like he'd been doing it for a while. No doubt if I had brought more stuff he would had done more feats.
I predict that we will be seeing a lot more out of this guy as he gets access to more equipment to try. And I look forward to having a ringside seat to watch it happen!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
6 April 2009 - Blob Work
I decided to do some blob work last night with Eaton's 42lber and 42.6lber. I can pull either blob with either hand in both regular and reverse grips. I basically worked until I could barely lift these blobs - I did regular lifts, reverse lifts (handle side out), cleans, curls, index/middle finger lifts, etc. I also did several sets of plate curls with a 25lb plate and ripped a few phone books.
My thumbs and wrists are only slightly sore today, so I'm really happy. I'm hitting extensor bands all day for muscular balance and some active rest.
I'm going to try to get together with Eaton sometime between Wednesday and Sunday for a little gripping. His gripper strength is way up so it should be interesting, per usual.
Monday, April 6, 2009
4 April 2009 - Gripper Work
Jon had never seen, let alone tried to crush, a real gripper. He could easily crush a CoC Trainer but couldn't get it done on my CoC #2. Nothing a little training won't fix. I only had my CoC #2, #2.5, #3, and #4 with me so I couldn't get an accurate measure of Jon's strength - I'm sure he could close a CoC #1. I hope he caught the grip bug.
I've been working toward a CoC #2.5 TNS close. I take my C0C #2 and #2.5 to the office with me just about everyday - I'm happy to say, I've been making steady progress toward this goal! I need to get the camera rolling so I can show everyone it's coming along.
I was able to get several good closes on Eaton's CoC #3 with my RH. I haven't been hitting it too much lately so I can say without a doubt the TNS work is really helping me. I think I closed Eaton's CoC #3 about 3 or 4 times with my RH. I'm still about 3/8" out on my LH. I also got some deep set attempts on my CoC #4. That thing is just stupidly hard, but it's such a great training tool. I do deep set attempts, forced reps, and negatives with it and when I pick up a CoC #3 afterwards it feels like a dish sponge. Good stuff.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
2 April 2009
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Triceps/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Triceps Extensions - 40lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Deadlift Warm-Up
-BW Good-Mornings X 20
-BW Squats X 20
-Bar Good-Mornings X 20
-Bar Squats X 20
Deadlifts (Conventional)
-Bar X 20
-135 X 12
-225 X 5
-315 X 3
-405 X 3
-425 X 3
-455 X 3
-475 X 2
Hang Cleans
-135 X 12
-185 X 8
-185 X 6
-205 X 3
Seated Cable Row (IM Eagle Loops)
-150 X 20
-180 X 16
-200 X 12
Deads felt great tonight! I was really pumped to get in there and get at the weight. All lifts were performed with no belt or pulling straps. About two weeks ago I pulled 455 as a 1RM - tonight that weight came right up for a solid three rep set. Easy money. I tossed 475 on the bar and really had to grind out two reps. 475 is clearly the upper reaches of my deadlifting strength right now. I haven't pulled 475 in the deadlift since 2005. Man, it feels good to be back.
I read another GREAT article on the Diesel Crew website on the correlation between a lack of hip mobility and knee pain. Solid article with recommendations to increase hip mobility and decrease your knee pain or chances thereof. Check it out HERE. Rest assured, I'll be giving some of these movements a whirl! My hips need WORK!
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
31 March 2009
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Tricep/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Tricep Extensions - 40lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Flat Bench Press
-Bar X 20
-135 X 12
-225 X 5
-275 X 3
-315 X 3 (1 assisted)
-225 X 15 (Arched over a foam roller)
1-Arm Dumbbell Floor Presses (L/R)
-80 X 5
-90 X 5
-100 X 5
-110 X 4
Incline Dumbbell Flies
-50 X 18
-50 X 12
-50 X 12
Body-Weight Dips
-3 X Failure
Straight Leg Lifts
-3 X Failure
-3 X Failure
Hyper Bench Side Bends (L/R)
-3 X Failure
Swiss Ball Crunches
- 2 X Failure
I'm trying to get my arch dialed in, I feel like it's different every time I get on the bench. Though, it seems like I have a different spotter every week, so I'm never comfortable. In an effort to really work on my arch, I decided to bench arched over a foam roll. It was hard and really exposed my lack of flexibility in my hips and middle back. I got this idea from the Diesel Crew live workout (March 28th). I think it's going to be a great training aid for me in the future.
I only planned on hitting some pinch, lower-arm, and core work tonight; however, my wife and I need to make an unexpected trip home this Friday. If I'm going to be in the car for 5+ hours on Friday...I'm not going to be in the gym. So I pushed the gym days up to mesh with my schedule. I'm hitting deadlifts tonight.