Thursday, January 8, 2009

7 January 2009

Shoulder Pre-hab (L/R)
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs

Tricep/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Tricep Extensions - 30lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-65's X 10
-85's X 5
-90's X 5
-90's X 5
-90's X 4
-90's X 4
-90's X 4

Weighted Dips
-45 X 8
-45 X 8
-45 X 6

Cable Tricep Extensions
-150 X 12
-150 X 12
-150 X 12

Thick Bar Bicep Curls (Shorty Power Systems Bar ~25lbs)
-115 X 10
-115 X 10
-115 X 10
-75 X Failure

Thick Bar Reverse Bicep Curls
-75 X 10
-75 X 10
-75 X 10

Thick Bar Thumbless Reverse Bicep Curls
-45 X 8
-45 X 8
-45 X 8

1-Arm Plate Pinch Curls (L/R)

-2 Dimes X 10
-2 Dimes X 10
-2 Dimes X 10

I just wanted to get some support movements in for my upper body. I felt really strong on the seated dumbbell shoulder press - but, again; my muscular endurance is still a bit lousy. I'd get 4 reps with no issue, and my triceps would just crap out and the 5th rep wasn't close. They thick bar curls are great - they kick my ass. All the curls are super strict and full range of motion. The thumbless reverse curls on the thick bar are AWESOME! I didn't bring any chalk to the gym, so they were even tougher than I expected. This gym has overly thick plates ( and I hate them. First off, they don't have a smooth side like the old style Olympic plates, so they suck for pinching. Secondly, they're much wider than the old standard plates. As such, they're really tough to keep together, so I can only manage 2 or 3 of them on the pinch curl. Maybe I need to find a new gym...maybe I just need to get stronger.
