Monday, January 5, 2009

3 January 2009

Shoulder Pre-hab (L/R)
-Rotator Cuff Work - 10lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 10lbs

Squat Warm-Up
-BW Good Mornings - 3 X 15
-BW Squats - 3 X 12

-Bar X 15
-135 X 12
-225 X 8
-315 X 5
-405 X 5
-405 X 5
-405 X 5
-405 X 5
-405 X 5

Sorinex Glute/Ham Bench
-100 X 8
-100 X 8
-100 X 8

Stiff Leg Deadlifts (25lb plates - off a box)
-195 X 12
-195 X 10
-195 X 8

Not much to report here. The squats felt pretty solid - I had my knees wrapped for the 405 sets. Everything else is what it is.


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