Shoulder Pre-Hab (L/R)
-Rotator Cuff Work - 5lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delt Work - 5lbs
Tricep/Wrist Warm-Up (L/R)
-Overhead Tricep Extensions - 40lbs
-Wrist Flexion/Extension/Adduction/Abduction - 20lbs
Flat Bench Press
-Bar X 20
-135 X 12
-225 X 10
-275 X 5
-275 X 5
-275 X 5 (2 assisted reps)
-225 X 10 (2 assisted reps)
Incline Dumbbell Bench Press
-80's X 8
-80's X 6
-80's X 6 (2 assisted reps)
Swiss Ball Cable Incline Press
-20 X Failure
-20 X Failure
I walked Zeek through this workout (focusing hard on form and technique), so it took longer than expected...which actually worked out well for me in the end. My muscular endurance has been lousy for sometime, so the extra time between sets helped a great deal. If I was going solo on this I would have been wasted quick...quicker. Yeah.
Can You Close #3 Gripper Without Serious Strength Training?
Question: Can you close big grippers like the #3 or #3.5 without also
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Does Strength Training benefit your p...
11 years ago
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