Saturday, December 20, 2008

20 December 2008

Shoulder Pre-hab (L/R)
-Rotator Cuff Work, 10lbs
-Front/Mid/Rear Delts, 10lbs

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press
-65's X 10
-85's X 5
-85's X 5
-85's X 5
-85's X 5
-85's X 4

Flat Bench Lock-Outs
-225 X 10
-315 X 10
-315 X 10
-315 X 10

Cable Lateral Raises (L/R)
-20 X 10
-15 X 15
-10 X 20
-7.5 X 15

Tricep Extensions
-150 X 12
-150 X 12
-150 X 12

2" Flat Bar Bicep Curls/1-Arm Dumbbell Tricep Kick-Backs (L/R)
-115 X 10/25 X 10
-115 X 10/25 X 10
-95 X 8/25 X 10
-75 X 10/25 X 10

2" Flat Bar Wrist Curls
-75 X 15
-75 X 15
-75 X 15

Shoulder/Tri/Bi night is a nice chance for me to go lighter and get a little more volume during the workout. I'm a little miffed I missed the last rep on my seated shoulder felt light for 4 sets and then I just crapped out. I wanted to go heavier on the lock-outs, but I left my wrist wraps at the house and my hands were sliding out a little wide which was torquing my wrist. So I just stayed at 315. The thick bar curls/kick-back superset was great - my arms blew up from them. My muscular endurance is coming back...slowly.


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